Discover Price to Win

Discover Price to Win

Price to Win (PTW) analysis and decision making is a complex process with dozens of observable data points. We help you make sense of it all, and explain where our Government Accountability Office (GAO) Protest data enabled PTW tool enhances the analytical and decision making insights.


What is Price to Win

Well, what is it? Get up to speed on the basics.


The PTW Process

Most things are better with a framework of steps and a sequence.


The PTW Window

How do you construct and visualize the PTW boundaries that facilitate a PTW recommendation


The Triangle: Client

Understand the buyer, which in Government contracting is always at least two entities


The Triangle: Competition

Identify and understand the other companies that want the work


The Triangle: You

Your approach, score, and price.


Work Breakdown Structure

A great approach involves quantification of its parts


Losers Winners (at lost profit) Tradeoff Losers Winners (at lost profit) Tradeoff

Put it All Together: GAO based PTW Analysis

So how exactly do you do this? Oh and how does our tool fit into the process.